ULI Carolinas
What is ULI Carolinas?
Together, ULI Charlotte, ULI South Carolina, and ULI Triangle make up our ULI Carolinas.
ULI Carolinas Meeting
ULI Triangle, ULI Charlotte, and ULI South Carolina collaborate to bring one of the largest ULI regional meetings with top speakers and leaders in the industry. The ULI Carolinas Meeting attracts more than 700 attendees annually. It is the only event that brings together EVERY sector of the real estate industry in one place for North and South Carolina. By attending, you build relationships with developers, investors, architects, planners, brokers, academics, attorneys, decision makers, and government—and get the cutting-edge information you need to build your business. Visit our ULI CAROLINAS MEETING website to learn more about this year’s event.
Regional Initiative Councils (RICs)
What are Regional Councils?
Together, ULI Charlotte, South Carolina and Triangle offer Regional Initiative Councils (RICs). Modeled after national product councils, the mission of the regional council program is to convene ULI members (throughout North and South Carolina) to promote learning, build District Council leadership, share knowledge and expertise and encourage regional collaboration.
The RICs provide opportunities for leadership and volunteer involvement in ULI, at the regional level, by promoting excellence in programming, by fostering a culture of openness, and by sharing issues critical to land use planning and real estate development.
Council Types and Topics
Carolina Trends Council (CTC) explores market trends and the opportunities created by large scale development and major employers (such as corporations, universities, and medical centers). Discussion includes catalytic market transactions, economic development, capital markets, infrastructure and how developers can leverage the demand for supporting industries, housing and commercial real estate. Interested in Applying? Apply here (applications are considered annually for calendar year participation)
Rethinking Southern Cities Council (RSC) explores how southern cities can best harness their growth in a more urban and authentic fashion. Discussion centers around the effect of population growth, demographic shifts and consumer preferences on development patterns including infill development, adaptive reuse of historic or obsolete buildings, transportation, infrastructure and urban housing. Interested in Applying? Apply here (applications are considered annually for calendar year participation)
Young Leaders Council (YLC)Each Regional Councils leadership will determine the details of topics and programming for each meeting. The Regional Councils meet per year: prior to the Carolinas’ Meeting (February) and Fall (August). Interested in Applying? Apply here (applications are considered annually for calendar year participation)
Innovation in Housing Council (IHC) We provide a platform for candid, informed discussions among experienced practitioners who work in all aspects of real estate development in the Carolinas. The council will explore both market-rate and subsidized housing, examine state and local policy that impact housing supply, tour projects that offer lessons learned and seek to understand the complex demographic and macrotrends impacting demand from home-buyers and renters across target markets and incomes including, but not limited to, active adults, students, first-time home-buyers, vacation home buyers, and middle- and low-income households. The IHC program is intended to inspire innovative thinking, share knowledge, enhance ULI’s role as a resource to local communities and build District Council leadership on housing issues so that members are better able to contribute creative solutions to local challenges. Interested in Applying? Apply here (applications are considered annually for calendar year participation)
Application Process
All ULI members are invited to apply to participate on a Regional Council. Accepted applicants will be notified. Applications will be reviewed by a regional committee and every effort will be made to achieve professional, ethnic, and industry diversity.
Council Requirements
- All ULI Members representing Charlotte, South Carolina and the Triangle are eligible.
- Each council is limited to 55 members.
- Council members must have experience in real estate and/or land use (excluding Young Leaders Council).
- Upon acceptance, council members commit to attending two one-day meetings per calendar year. The meetings will be 4 – 6 hours in duration.
- Council affiliation fees will be $250 per year. The fees will cover meeting space, breakfast and/or lunch for council days.
- Each council will elect a Council Chair and two Vice-Chairs. Leadership will be responsible for programming and membership.
- Each council member will have the option to renew annually for three (3) years. After three (3) years, the council member will be asked to reapply.
- Every effort will be made to maintain professional, ethnic and gender diverse councils.
Member Expectations
- Confidentiality: The foundation for open and honest sharing of detailed information and experience.
- Open, honest, specific information and experience: Participate openly and honestly with specific, detailed information and experience from your current real estate practice.
- No self promotion: Presentations and discussions aimed at delivering real take home value.
- Recruit the best and the brightest: Invite innovative leaders both ULI and non-ULI members as guests. Identify ways to continually add value to the conversation and make an impact in the community.